bicara di luar giliran bahasa Inggris
- bicara: spake; converse; get hold of; tell; talk; hash
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- di luar: beyond; external; external to; out; out from; out
- luar: extern; outer; exterior; external; outside;
- giliran: tum; turn; shift; spell; cut; thrust; stroke;
- giliran: tum; turn; shift; spell; cut; thrust; stroke; poke; thwack; thump; jab; thrusting; work shift; rap; go; tennis shot; knock; tennis stroke; shot; twist; round; belt; duty period; whang; play; move; s
- bicara: spake; converse; get hold of; tell; talk; hash out; alzheimer’s; narrate; tell a story; alzheimer’s disease; alzheimers; talk over; speak; discussion; discuss; talk about; say; conversation
- (di) luar: outside
- di luar: beyond; external; external to; out; out from; out of door; outdoor; outside; outside of; outward; away; in the open; open-air; out of doors; behind
- dengan giliran: in turn
- giliran [kita: our turn
- giliran kerja: shift
- giliran malam: night shift
- giliran memukul: innings
- giliran pagi: morning shift